For patients who have decided to undergo a breast procedure, it is important to understand what to expect during the healing process. Following any breast procedure, compression is a vital component of the recovery process. Compression garments are worn directly after surgery to assist with the healing process. Read on to learn more about the importance of compression garments after most breast procedures. 

What are Compression Garments?

Compression garments are medical-grade articles of clothing specifically created to be worn post-op. They are created with breathable materials such as nylon and elastic. There are compression garments for nearly every part of the body following many different types of procedures. Following breast surgery, these compression garments resemble a sports bra and will be worn to support and add pressure to the breast area.

How Long Should I Wear My Compression Garment?

We will advise you on how long to wear your compression garment following surgery. Most patients will typically wear a compression bra for the first two weeks. After this time, a soft sports bra can be worn.  Bras with underwires should be avoided until cleared by our team.

Compression garments should be worn full-time, even when sleeping, for six weeks after your cosmetic breast surgery.  You may then begin wearing underwire if you wish once you are cleared in your six-week follow up appointment.

If your compression garment becomes too loose as the swelling goes down, be sure to speak with us regarding a smaller size. Your garment should fit snugly enough to perform its function but not so tight that it is uncomfortable.

Benefits of Compression After Breast-Surgery

Compression bras offer many benefits following breast surgery, including the following.

Reduce Swelling

Compression garments apply even pressure across the treatment area to reduce swelling.  They may also help your body absorb any accumulated fluid. This is important since fluid buildup may lead to a seroma, potentially causing discomfort and may lengthen your recovery time.

Speedy Recovery

Compression garments are helpful in managing post-operative swelling and discomfort.  By applying pressure to the affected area, swelling is reduced for a more comfortable recovery period. Reduced swelling may also speed up the recovery process.

Enhance Final Results

Compression provides needed support and holds implants in place for improved healing and cosmetic outcomes. Compression bras may also help with proper posture during healing, which in turn, can help you see the results you desire.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about our offered breast procedures, please contact Power Plastic Surgery in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A consultation with Stephanie Power, MD is needed to determine which procedure is best for achieving your personal goals.

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