If you’ve decided to go forward with breast surgery like augmentation, lift, or reduction, then congratulations! It’s an exciting decision and one that can drastically boost your confidence. However, it’s normal to have questions about what to expect. Keep in mind that your recovery period will be one of the most important phases of your surgical journey, and wearing a supportive bra will help speed along your healing. Here’s what to know about this part of your post-surgical recovery and how our team can help.

Why should I wear a supportive bra?

Gravity is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to your breast surgery results. Whether you opt for implants or not, a surgical or supportive sports bra helps hold your breasts in an upright and snug position. This helps relieve strain on your incisions so they can heal as Dr. Power intends them to. Additionally, compressing the area can decrease swelling and keep your implants in the correct position while the underlying tissues begin to accommodate them. If you opt for a breast lift or breast reduction, wearing a surgical bra can help the tissues adhere to their new position during recovery. In short, a surgical bra can help your breasts successfully recover without the added strain that comes with a downward pull or excess movement.

How long should I wear a supportive bra?

Everyone recovers at different rates, and your unique procedure will determine your length of recovery. However, you should plan to wear your bra for around 6 weeks after surgery. You should wear it as much as possible (even while sleeping), but can remove it to shower. Some women opt for a special surgical bra while others wear a supportive sports bra. Whatever your choice, you should avoid wearing underwire bras during the first 6 weeks because the wire structure can irritate your incisions and cause concerns with healing and your cosmetic result.

When can I exercise?

Your timeframe for returning to your regular exercise regimen can vary based on your specific breast procedure, but for any procedure, you’ll need to avoid exercise and heavy lifting over 5lbs for at least one month. This is because exercise can increase blood flow and thus swelling in the area, while lifting can put strain on both your incisions and your pectoral muscles (which your implants may be placed under). If you normally engage in high-impact exercises or running, for example, make sure to ease into it by wearing your supportive athletic bra that will keep your breasts from moving too much. If, at any time, you feel pain or discomfort from your breasts or incisions, make sure to stop your activity. Dr. Power can help you determine the right timeframe for gradually increasing your activity level as you heal so you can avoid any complications.

Schedule a Consultation

Your next step in boosting your confidence with breast surgery is by meeting with our board certified plastic surgeon. To get started, we invite you to contact our Toronto office by calling or filling out our online form.

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