Breast reduction is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures. It is performed under general anesthetic as out-patient surgery. Patients are generally able to return to work within a week of surgery. Exercise and strenuous activity should be avoided for one month post-operatively. Here are 5 common reasons that women may undergo breast reduction surgery:

Following pregnancies, breastfeeding, and weight gain, one’s breasts may enlarge and develop ptosis (lowered position) over time.  Other women have naturally large breasts from time of breast development.  Breast reduction surgery tightens the skin envelope by removing redundant skin.  It also removes breast tissue to achieve a more proportionate aesthetic outcome. The nipple areolar complex is repositioned to a higher point.  This surgery achieves a breast lift effect in addition to reduction, which may achieve a more youthful appearance post-operatively.

  • Reduce discomfort associated with large breasts

Many women with large breasts may experience discomfort related to breast size, including neck, upper back, and shoulder pain.   By reducing breast size and weight, discomfort may improve post-operatively. For this reason, satisfaction rates following breast reduction are among the highest reported following plastic surgery procedures.

  • Improve posture

As breast tissue is removed, there is less weight on the chest and upper back.  This may result in improved posture following breast reduction surgery.  Many patients considering breast reduction express feeling self-conscious about their breast size.  Following breast reduction surgery, patients may feel less self-conscious and more comfortable maintaining improved posture.

  • Reduce shoulder grooving from bra straps

Many patients develop shoulder grooving from their bra straps associated with large breast size. This may also improve following breast reduction surgery as breast weight is reduced.

  • May reduce skin irritation

For more severe cases, patients may develop skin irritation below the breasts from moisture at this site of skin-on-skin contact. Breast reduction surgery removes extra breast tissue and lifts the breasts, which may reduce irritation in this intertriginous region.

Please contact us if you are considering breast reduction surgery in the Toronto area to schedule a consultation with female plastic surgeon, Dr. Stephanie Power.

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