A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is performed to raise the breasts through the removal of excess skin and tightening of the surrounding tissues. As we age, our breasts can lose their youthful shape and firmness. Because of this, many women choose to undergo a breast lift due to aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations. However, before choosing to undergo a breast lift procedure, it is important to understand the recovery process as well.

The Immediate Post-Surgery Period

Immediately following your breast lift procedure, you will be taken to a recovery room to wake up from the anesthesia. This procedure is an outpatient procedure, which means that you will be able to return home within a few hours of surgery to begin your recovery.  For your safety following a general anesthetic, you will need to have a friend or family member drive you home after surgery and stay with you over the first 24 hours.

Your breasts will be bandaged and placed in a surgical bra. Dr. Power will prescribe you pain medication to help with any discomfort during early healing. She will also provide you with specific aftercare instructions; be sure to follow these instructions to help with your recovery and final outcome.

Swelling and Bruising

Most patients will experience soreness, swelling, and bruising during the first couple of weeks. To reduce swelling and bruising, be sure to wear your surgical bra as directed, apply cold compresses, and avoid lifting anything heavy. If you are experiencing excessive swelling or bruising that persists after the first couple of weeks, be sure to let Dr. Power know.

Wound Care

It is important to keep your incisions clean and inspect them daily for signs of infection. Dr. Power will provide you with wound care instructions following your procedure. Also, avoid soaking in water (baths, hot tubs) over the first month following surgery. Signs of infection to watch out for include increasing pain, discharge, redness, or fevers.

Activity Restrictions

Following any form of breast procedure there will be limitations on physical activities during recovery. Once pain medication is no longer needed, you may return to driving. Most patients can also return to light office work within a week of surgery. Exercise and heavy lifting over 5 lbs. should be avoided for one month following surgery. Be sure to listen to your body and take it slow at first to ensure proper healing.

Supportive Garments

Supportive garments play a key role in the healing process following breast lift surgery. You will be given a surgical bra to wear to reduce swelling and support your new breast contour. Be sure to follow Dr. Power’s instructions regarding the proper length of time to wear this garment.

Schedule a Consultation

Overall, breast lift recovery is fairly straightforward. It is important to keep open lines of communication with your surgeon throughout your recovery journey to ensure beautiful results. To learn more about breast lift surgery near Toronto, ON Canada, please contact Power Plastic Surgery today. Your first step will be to schedule a consultation appointment with Stephanie Power, MD.

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