The thigh lift is a surgical procedure designed to transform the appearance of the thighs, especially after losing weight. It can lift and re-contour your thighs by removing loose skin for a slimmer, more toned look with the help of your board-certified plastic surgeon. Here’s what to know about the thigh lift and whether it’s right for you.

What Are the Types of Thigh Lift?

There are generally two techniques that can be used during a thigh lift procedure. Dr. Stephanie Power can recommend the right option for you and your goals during your consultation.

Medial (Inner) Thigh Lift

An inner thigh lift uses an incision in the crease of the groin and may be the best option for excess skin – and fatty tissue to a lesser extent – along the inner thigh.  This surgery ranges from a limited medial thigh lift, which addresses only the upper part of the inner thigh, to a standard medial thigh lift, which may remove redundant skin extending to the knee level.

Lateral (Outer) Thigh Lift

An outer thigh lift may address the hips and buttocks along with the outer thigh.  It uses an incision along the hip that can be concealed with most clothing and may remove loose skin and excess fat on the outer part of the thigh and hip.

What Happens During a Thigh Lift?

Thigh lifts are performed under general anesthesia as an out-patient procedure. Dr. Power begins by making a predetermined incision along either the groin crease, inner thigh, or the hip region in order to remove loose skin and fatty tissue to improve thigh contour.  Closure is performed in several layers using resorbable sutures to improve scar healing as well as to lower the risk of scar descent or wound separation during early healing.  Thigh lift surgery takes a few hours to perform, which varies based on the extent of surgery.

Is a Thigh Lift Right for Me?

You may benefit most from a thigh lift if you’ve lost significant weight and have excess skin remaining. Excess skin may also result over time following pregnancies or aging, which may also improve from a thigh lift depending on your aesthetic concerns and presentation.  It’s important to note that the thigh lift should not be considered a weight loss procedure. If stubborn fat is your primary concern, Dr. Power will discuss whether liposuction may be a better option for your body goals.

Schedule an Appointment

The thigh lift is an excellent way to contour and slim the thighs when you have excess, sagging skin. To meet with Dr. Power and learn more about your best options, we invite you to contact our Toronto office by calling or filling out our online form.

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