Dr. Stephanie Power is a female plastic surgeon practicing in the Yorkville neighborhood of Toronto.  She practices a wide scope of cosmetic surgery as well as performing minor procedures, including hand surgery and removal of skin cancers and other skin and soft tissue lesions.  Certain minor procedures may be performed on the same day as plastic surgery consultation if possible.  To ensure an efficient and productive visit, we have prepared a list of helpful points as you prepare for your plastic surgery consultation:

  • Arrive on time

Please plan ahead and leave adequate time to ensure that you arrive on time for your plastic surgery consultation. Always allow extra time to prepare for unexpected events such as traffic or subway delays, or the possibility that you might even get lost trying to find the way here. Arriving early also allows you to take your time filling out health forms, use the washroom, and settle in before your appointment. The goal is to arrive 10-15 minutes earlier than your scheduled consultation. It is recommended to look up directions in advance whether driving or taking public transportation.

  • Bring required documentation

Please remember to bring a valid health card to every visit and a list of current medications. Please note each medication name, dosage, frequency, and reason for use.

  • Prepare your medical history

Please review your personal health history beforehand as you will be required to answer questions about medical conditions, previous surgeries, allergies, and relevant family history.

  • Bring a list of questions

Please have your questions ready prior to plastic surgery consultation. It may be helpful to write them down in advance to ensure they are all answered to your satisfaction.  You may also take notes during your appointment if needed.

  • Bring a companion or translator if needed

Some patients may wish to bring a companion to their plastic surgery consultation.  It may be helpful to have a second person take in the information to later discuss together.  If you will require assistance with wound care following a minor plastic surgery procedure, it is recommended for that person to present with you in consultation to review instructions.

  • Plan for transportation home

Many patients may present alone as minor procedures are performed under local anesthetic (freezing) and will not impact your ability to drive afterwards.  Patients may prefer to take a taxi or use public transportation.  Following procedures on the lower extremity or groin region or more extensive procedures at other sites, it may be recommended to arrange a ride home post-operatively to avoid prolonged walking.

  • Allocate time for parking

Plastic surgery consultations vary in length, generally ranging from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

  • Timing of minor procedure

Dr. Power may be able to perform your minor procedure on the same day as plastic surgery consultation if possible.  Occasionally a separate appointment may be required for more extensive procedures or if any medical work up or optimization is required pre-operatively.  We are unable to guarantee that a minor procedure will be performed at time of plastic surgery consultation until clinical assessment has been performed.

  • Cell phone-free office

Please refrain from using your cell phone during your plastic surgery consultation.  It is unfortunately not permitted to answer calls or text messages during your appointment or minor procedure.  Recording plastic surgery procedures is also not allowed for safety and privacy concerns.

  • Other points

Do not stop taking any prescription medications (i.e. blood thinners) unless advised by a physician.  Most patients are able to remain on blood thinners when undergoing minor dermatologic procedures.  Although the risk of local bleeding may be slightly increased, there may be lower risk of more serious complications – e.g. heart attack, stroke – by continuing blood thinners for minor procedures.

Please contact us to schedule your plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Stephanie Power.


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