It’s a common saying that the “eyes are the window to the soul”.  Our eyes communicate emotions and they are often one of the first things people notice about us. If you are bothered by signs of aging around your eyes and feel like your eyes are negatively impacting how you present yourself, you may benefit from surgical or non-surgical eye rejuvenation treatments.

Signs of Aging Around the Eyes

Collagen and elastin are critical components to keeping your skin looking youthful and firm. Collagen proteins give your skin the structure it needs to appear youthful, while elastin works with collagen to give the skin the ability to bounce back when it is stretched. Over time, collagen and elastin stores naturally diminish within the skin around the eyes, causing common signs of aging such as the following:

Lax Skin: Both genetic and extrinsic factors, such as exposure to the sun’s UV rays and smoking, can contribute to skin laxity. As collagen and elastin naturally deplete with age, skin loses its structure, resulting in sagging and crepey skin.

Dark Circles: Dark circles beneath the eyes can occur due to family history of dark circles as well as lifestyle factors such as alcohol use, smoking, and stress.Hyperpigmentation caused by the UV exposure can also play a role.

Undereye Bags: Lax, baggy skin under the eyes occurs when the underlying tissue and muscle structures supporting the lower lids weaken. This results in sagging skin, fat displacement, and fluid buildup in the undereye area, contributing to a puffy appearance.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Lines and wrinkles are common around the thin, delicate skin of the eyes. This is especially true as we age or due to lifestyle factors such as sun exposure and smoking.

Crow’s Feet: Wrinkles that appear around the outer corners of the eyes are commonly referred to as crow’s feet or laughter lines. These lines result from decreased collagen and elastin, as well as repetitive expressive motions such as squinting and smiling.

Procedures to Address Aging Eyes

There are both surgical and non-surgical options to address signs of aging around the eyes. Our team will work with you to determine which procedure or combination of procedures is right for you and your aesthetic goals.

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Blepharoplasty, also called an eyelid lift, is a procedure designed to remove excess skin, prominent fatty tissue, or both excess skin and fat around the eyes.  Depending on your aesthetic goals, it can address the upper or lower eyelids or both. During this procedure, fat around the eyes may be removed or repositioned and skin redraped to achieve more youthful-looking eyes.

Brow Lift

The brows may descend over time, which is associated with periorbital (eye) aging. This may lead to a heavy appearance of the brow, increased prominence of forehead wrinkles, and accentuation of excess skin and hooding of the upper eyelids. This procedure may be performed on its own or in conjunction with an eyelid lift.


Botox is an injectable neuromodulator treatment for smoothing dynamic wrinkles, meaning those lines that appear as a result of muscle movement.  It may be a non-surgical option to soften crow’s feet or subtly lift the outer eyebrows. It can also accompany a surgical procedure for improved results.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers, or soft tissue fillers, are injectable treatments to add volume beneath the skin to restore lost volume or smooth lines and wrinkles that are present at rest. They can be used within the tear trough area to combat hollowness under the eyes or dark circles.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are ready to take the first step toward more youthful-looking eyes, contact Power Plastic Surgery in Toronto, ON, Canada today. A consultation with Stephanie Power, MD, is needed to determine candidacy and create a personalized treatment plan to meet your aesthetic goals.

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