Patient #98311
VIEW FULL CASEEarly results at 4 months post-breast revision — implant exchange and lift. Her original surgery was 20 years ago with 300cc saline implants. Implant exchange was performed using 375cc moderate plus silicone cohesive gel in the same pocket under the muscle in addition to a breast lift. Scars will continue to fade over one year post-op.
Patient #18765
VIEW FULL CASE4 months post-cosmetic breast implant revision. Patient had a ruptured saline implant on her right side. Her original surgery was performed overseas through an underarm incision. The left saline implant was still intact and 190cc. She wished to replace both implants and slightly add volume. 225cc moderate plus silicone cohesive gel implants were placed through an inframammary (crease) incision in the same pocket under the muscle.
Breast Implant Revison 30009
VIEW FULL CASEPre- and Post-op at 7 months. Bilateral capsulotomies (scar tissue release) and implant exchange from 375cc to 500cc high profile cohesive silicone gel.
Breast Implant Revision 00007
VIEW FULL CASE2 months post-implant exchange and partial capsulectomies, silicone cohesive gel 170cc