Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures can address virtually any area of the body, including the vaginal zone. If you are seeking a procedure that can address both cosmetic and health concerns of the vaginal area, labiaplasty may be right for you. Read on to learn more about what to expect during each stage of your procedure.

What Is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a procedure to improve cosmetic concerns in the vaginal area. It can be performed to reshape and resize the vaginal lips or labia. Furthermore, it can also reduce discomfort associated with large or lax labia when wearing tight clothing or during exercise or intercourse.

If you are considering labiaplasty, a consultation appointment is the best way to determine candidacy. However, those who are bothered by the size or shape of their labia or feel that their labia interfere with daily activities, are in good health, and are non-smokers are often ideal candidates.

What to Expect at Your Consultation Appointment

During your initial consultation appointment, Dr. Power will conduct an exam during which she will consider your medical history and personal aesthetic goals. Your consultation is a great time to ask questions regarding surgery, what to expect after the procedure, and more. It can be helpful to come to this appointment with a list of questions so that you do not forget to ask anything.

Tips to Prepare for Your Labiaplasty

Many patients wait until after their procedure to start thinking about recovery, however, this is a common mistake. It is actually best to plan for the procedure and recovery once the procedure is scheduled. To make the recovery process smoother, it is recommended that you stock up on any prescription medications and groceries beforehand (staying hydrated and eating healthy aids with recovery). Also, discuss any childcare needs, and plan to take a few days off work. These steps can help to ensure a stress-free recovery experience.

The Labiaplasty Procedure

Labiaplasty is an outpatient procedure, so you can plan to return home the same day. The length of your procedure will depend on your specific needs and goals.

There are two main forms of labiaplasty: labia majora reduction and labia minor reduction. Labia majora reduction reduces the shape and size of the outermost lips of the vagina, while labia minora reduction reduces the shape and size of the inner vaginal lips.

These procedures can be performed using either the trim or wedge technique. The trim technique involves removing excess skin around the outer edge of the labia. The wedge technique involves the removal of a V-shaped wedge from the labia. The edges are then closed together. Dr. Power will determine which surgical technique is right for you depending on your unique case.

Labiaplasty Recovery

Following your procedure, you can take any prescribed pain medication to help ease discomfort. Dr. Power will also provide you with specific aftercare instructions to ensure optimal results.

Overall, recovery will vary from patient to patient, though most can return to a regular routine after 1-2 weeks. Sexual intercourse should be avoided for at least 6 weeks, and exercise can be resumed after one month. Results will take shape over the next weeks and months as swelling reduces and scars fade.

Schedule a Consultation

Interested in learning more about labiaplasty and if this procedure is right for you? Contact Stephanie Power, MD at Power Plastic Surgery in Toronto, ON Canada today. You can also fill out an online contact form on our website to get started.

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