Our eyes can tell a lot about us; after all, they are called the windows to our soul. 

The eye region is often one of the first areas to shows signs of facing aging, which prompts many patients to consider cosmetic surgery to look more youthful and alert.  The aging process reduces skin elasticity and may lower the position of the eyebrows.  Some patients feel that they look tired or angry as a result.  If you have concerns about heaviness of your brows and feel they have become droopy over time, a brow lift may be a surgical option to help you achieve a more youthful appearance.

The Aging Process

As we age, the firmness and elasticity of our skin diminishes, which can lead to increased skin laxity. Gravity also plays a part in sagging skin, as it is constantly pulling down on aging muscles. For some, the outer brow can sag, resulting in a sad expression, while sagging of the inner brow may be interpreted as an expression of anger. 

Healthy individuals who are looking to treat moderate to severe brow skin laxity may benefit from brow lift surgery. While non-surgical options exist to raise the brow – for example, a Botox browlift – results are temporary and may not be as effective as a surgical browlift.

What to Expect from Your Brow Lift Procedure

A brow lift is a surgical procedure to reduce wrinkle lines that occur on the forehead and between the eyes, raise sagging brows that are hooding the upper eyelids, and restore the eyebrows to a more youthful position. This procedure may be performed using local or general anesthetic, depending on the extent of surgery and your surgeon’s recommendations.  The subcutaneous temporal brow lift, for example, is a technique that may be performed safely under local anesthetic.

There are different techniques of brow lift surgery depending on your aesthetic goals and clinical presentation, including:

Coronal Brow Lift

This option involves an incision that is created from ear to ear across the top of the head. The forehead skin is then lifted, and the muscles addressed.  The scar may be concealed within the hairline in many cases.

Direct Brow Lift

A direct brow lift may be a suitable option for those with more pronounced forehead creases or male pattern hair loss. The incision is made above the hair-bearing eyebrow to elevate the brow through a direct exposure.

Limited Temporal Brow Lift

For patients who wish to elevate their outer brow, a limited temporal brow lift may be a more appropriate option. This technique is less invasive than a coronal brow lift as it involves small incisions. This procedure can often be performed under local anesthesia, which avoids risks associated with general anesthesia, such as nausea.

Endoscopic Brow Lift

An endoscopic brow lift is performed through small incisions within the hairline with the aid of a small camera.  Some studies suggest that the results may not be as long-lasting as other techniques.

Brow lift Results

Following your brow lift, early healing takes place over the first couple of weeks.  Most people to office jobs within one week.  You may resume driving within a few days, as long as you no are no longer taking prescription pain medication and your vision appears normal.  You may gradually resume exercise one month later.  It takes a full year to see your final results and for scars to fully mature.  While results from a brow lift are generally long-lasting, the surgery cannot stop the natural aging process and you may notice further lowering of your brows in the future.

Overall, a brow lift may offer many benefits, including:

• More refreshed appearance of the forehead, brows, and the area around the eyes.

• Restored brow position to a more youthful position.

• By elevating brow position, this may also reduce the appearance of hooded upper eyelids.

• Frown lines and creases near the brows and eyes may be softened.

Schedule a Consultation 

If you are interested in learning more about brow lift surgery and to find out if you are a good candidate, please contact Power Plastic Surgery in Toronto, ON Canada. Your first step toward treatment will be to schedule a consultation with Stephanie Power, MD.

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