Whether you opt for labiaplasty to reduce uncomfortable symptoms or for cosmetic reasons, it’s normal to wonder about your initial recovery. That’s because recovery is one of the most important phases of your plastic surgery journey. Since the labia are a very sensitive area, it’s important to know how to properly take care of yourself and your surgical sites. Here’s what to know about your first week of recovery and what to expect.

Preparing for Your Labiaplasty Recovery

Ahead of your surgery, it’s important to take a few steps to set yourself up for success. Firstly, make any arrangements you’ll need for time off work or school, as well as make sure you have a close friend or family member who can check in with you to help with housework, childcare, or pet care. Prepare cold compresses or ice packs and pick up your prescription pain medication in advance.  Additionally, set up a recovery area in your home where you’ll feel comfortable and have easy access to things like climate control, a comfortable bed or couch, and snacks, water, and entertainment.  Finally, consider preparing some healthy, reheatable meals and snacks ahead of time so you don’t need to worry about cooking.

Recovery on Day 1

You can expect to see swelling once you return home from your procedure. Swelling might be present all over the vulva, even in areas where incisions were not performed. This is normal, since the area is very sensitive. Make sure to gently ice the area (make sure ice doesn’t touch the skin directly) for 15 minutes at a time to help manage pain and swelling. If you have any discomfort, take your prescribed medications according to Dr. Power’s instructions. Reducing pain can help you get the rest you need over the first few days.

Your focus on day 1 should be resting and allowing the area to heal. It’s common to experience irritation from a variety of factors, like walking, wearing underwear, or urinating. You can absorb drainage by wearing a maxi pad and prevent irritation by applying Vaseline to the area. Make sure to avoid tight or constricting clothing around your pelvic region. Dr. Power will give instructions on how to clean your incisions when showering, which you can resume the day after surgery.

What to Expect By the End of Week 1

You should see some improvement in your swelling by the end of your first week, although it can still take much longer for most swelling to subside. Most pain should be gone by this time. It’s more likely that you’ll have persistent itchiness by the end of the week, which can be managed by keeping your incisions clean and covered with Vaseline and any ointments directed by Dr. Power. Refrain from extensive activity like working out, although you should feel more comfortable walking around the house by this time. It’s important to note that you’ll need to give yourself plenty of time before resuming sex – it’s recommended to wait at least 6 weeks or until Dr. Power clears you to return to normal activities.

Schedule a Consultation

Labiaplasty can be a transformative procedure for your confidence in your body. To meet with Dr. Stephanie Power and learn more about your plastic surgery options, we invite you to contact our Toronto office by calling or filling out our online form.

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