Liposuction is a surgical procedure for body contouring.  Localized fatty deposits are removed through small access incisions to improve contour while leaving minimal scarring.  The type of anesthetic depends on the extent of planned liposuction, however general anesthetic is most commonly required.  Patients often question whether liposuction is an effective technique for weight loss. So, what is the ideal weight for liposuction?

  • Liposuction is not effective for weight loss

This is the most important point of this blog.  While patients often think that liposuction may be an easy way to achieve weight loss, this is unfortunately not the case.  Liposuction may be a powerful technique to improve body contour.  One’s body weight generally changes very little however following liposuction.

  • The best candidate is within 10% of ideal body weight for liposuction

Patients close to ideal body weight with localized fatty deposits that are unresponsive to diet and exercise are often the best candidates for liposuction. During consultation, Dr. Power will perform a detailed history regarding aesthetic goals, body weight, exercise, and dietary habits. It is recommended for patients to achieve a BMI of 25 or less before liposuction to achieve a more predictable aesthetic outcome.  One’s weight for liposuction should also be stable for several months pre-operatively.  If weight loss is planned, it should be achieved before undergoing body contouring surgery.  Weight loss after liposuction may result in redundant skin or other contour irregularities.

  • In addition to healthy body weight, normal skin elasticity is required for liposuction

Normal skin elasticity is very important to achieve a satisfactory aesthetic outcome following liposuction.  The aesthetic result depends on both fatty tissue removal as well as contraction of the overlying skin envelope.  Liposuction may not be an effective technique for some patients even once they achieve appropriate body weight.  Following significant weight loss or pregnancies, skin elasticity may be decreased.  In these cases, removal of focal fatty deposits may result in redundant skin, which may compromise the aesthetic outcome.  Skin removal may also be required in these cases to achieve a tightening effect, for example, tummy tuck, arm or thigh lift, etc.

Please contact us if considering body contouring surgery in the Toronto area to schedule a consultation with female plastic surgeon, Dr. Stephanie Power.  She will give personalized recommendations based on your goals and clinical presentation to help you achieve the best plastic surgery outcome.

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